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Perthshire & Angus Provincial Mòd

Friday 14th and Saturday 15th June 2024

Volunteer support

The Perthshire and Angus Mòd could not run over the weekend without the support of volunteers.

We are actively seeking individuals who are happy to help with Stewarding and to Chair competitions on both the Friday and Saturday. If you think this is something you can help with we can’t wait to hear from you!

Mòd Volunteers / Saor-thoilich a’ Mhòid

MM slash DD slash YYYY
applicants must be 16yrs or older / Feumaidh tagraichean a bhith 16 no nas sine
Address / Seòladh(Required)
Email / Post-d(Required)

Data Protection / Dìon Dàta

The information you have supplied will be used for the purpose for which you have provided it and any relevant procedures following from this. This data will be maintained in accordance with the Data Protection Act and will not be passed on or sold to any other organisation without your prior approval unless this is a legal requirement.

Thèid am fiosrachadh a tha thu air a thoirt seachad a chleachdadh airson an adhbhar dhan tug thu seachad e agus modhan iomchaidh sam bith ri linn sin. Thèid an dàta seo a ghleidheadh a rèir na h-Achd Dìon Dàta agus cha tèid a chur air adhart no a reic ri buidheann sam bith eile gun aonta bhuat ro-làimh mura h-eil sin na riatanas a rèir an lagha.

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